Flood Escape 2 Wiki

Familiar Ruins is an Insane map created by Crazyblox. It has 5 standard buttons and 1 group button.


Familiar Ruins has a design styled after the original Flood Escape game. While only the room with the fifth button is copied directly, the models, style, color, and jumps are very similar. Throughout the map, lava can be seen everywhere. It rises fast, and slow players will normally die. This is considered as one of the easier insane maps, so on a decent server, most players are likely to survive, increasing chances to move on to a Crazy map (unless the lift is locked, you cannot go to another Insane map). There are many glitches and shortcuts which allow players to activate buttons quicker. For example, players can glitch out of the wooden taped door just before the 5th to go outside of the Flood Escape 1 lobby. However, they will not be able to progress further without activating the skipped button.


  • This map is one of the few maps to have multiple forms of lava.
  • This map was one of the first maps and has been buffed and nerfed only once.
  • The lava used to rise very quickly in the first room, and if a player faltered to get the button, the whole group was likely gonna die. After an update, the lava now rises late. But even now, if you or someone else fails, a sacrifice would have to be made to get to that button.
  • When you get out of the medium-lift after the 4th button, you will notice a destroyed and burned form of the Flood Escape (original game) lobby. The Easy and Hard lifts were closed down.
  • A noticeable update to this map was released on January 19, 2018. This update includes the "Medium Lift" update, the visuals of the outside changed, the lava in the first room was slowed, and the troll, in the first room was patched.
  • The box near the 5th button was moved into the lava puddle near the 5th button to prevent shortcuts.

Walkthrough and OST


Flood Escape 2 - Familiar Ruins


Flood Escape 2 OST - Familiar Ruins

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