Flood Escape 2 Wiki

Snowy Peaks is a community-made Hard map created by rareheaddress. It has 5 normal Buttons, a star rating of 3.2, and is playable in Flood Escape 2.


As the name suggests, it is located on set of steep, mountain peaks covered by snow. The ground below is made out of ice, presumably a frozen lake. There are pine trees and foliage growing throughout the map, all covered by snow. You can also see some boxes, some rock formations, a small cottage, a wooden bridge and a giant gate near the end. Some of the wooden platforms in this map are thin, which can prove difficult for some players.


  • The OST of this map is said to be similar to DJ-Nate's "Theory of Everything".
    • Some even compare Snowy Peak's OST to Gravity Falls' intro due to the similarities at the beginning of the OST.
  • Snowy Peaks is one of 4 maps that used to have a different difficulty (in this case, Snowy Peaks was a Normal map) before being added to Flood Escape 2, alongside Crystal Caverns, Decrepit Seas and Sedimentary Temple.
  • Snowy Peaks is one of the two Hard maps in the game to not have any group buttons in the regular game mode, with the other being Wild Savannah.
  • This map only has one structure, which is a cottage below the exit. It isn’t a significant one, since it has very little detail.
  • Before being revamped, if you tried to play this map in FE2 Community Maps Legacy, it would load Grumble Volcano instead.
  • This was the first winter-themed map added to Flood Escape 2, with the others being Northern Workshop, Polar Industry, and Snowy Stronghold.
  • Snowy Peaks is one of four Hard Maps to not to contain any Wall Jumps. This map shares that distinction with Crystal Caverns, Dark Sci-Forest, and Poisonous Forest.
  • The map was buffed in the Agility Update, requiring you to ride a zipline after pressing the 2nd button and slide under a gate to get to the exit.
  • If a Rescue Mission is activated on this map, the escapee will be on a ledge after the first area.
  • During a Lost Page Map Event, the Lost Page will be found on the top of the giant gate near the end of the map. To go up there, you must first slide under the gate. Then, you will see a truss which leads to the page.
  • Snowy Peaks, Eerie Peaks and Ignis Peaks are the three maps to have "Peaks" at the end of their name.
    • Interestingly, all three of these maps are ten letters with five letters in each of their words.
  • Snowy Peaks, Ignis Peaks, Eerie Peaks and Retro Coast are the only three maps to have their name consist of ten letters, with five letters in each of their two words.
  • Snowy Peaks shares a lot of similarities with Wild Savannah:
    • They both are Hard maps.
    • The both don't start with lava.
    • They both are made by rareheaddress.
    • They both have 2 words in their names, starting with an adjective and ending with a noun.
    • They both have the same star rating of 3.2.
    • They both have 5 buttons and none of them are Group Buttons.
    • Both of their OSTs are composed by BSlick.
    • Both OSTs were published under Crazyblox's Roblox account instead of the Crazyblox Games group, which means that they both play in FE2CM without the use of FE2.io.
    • Snowy Peaks and Wild Savannah can both be completed in around a minute. (although Snowy Peaks is typically a tad shorter).
    • They were both added to the game in 2017.


Walkthrough and OST

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